I mentioned
a while ago that I was working on a craft from a road-side find. Well, the project is complete and ready for its grand reveal! A few months ago I found these cabinet doors sitting by the curb, waiting to be picked up by the garbage truck. I couldn't help but throw them in my trunk, hoping one day I'd figure out how to make them into frames!
My road-side treasure! |
A little spray paint, some light antiquing with sand paper, cardboard backing, nails and wire to hang, and voila! I have two great picture frames! After some thinking, I decided to do two different things with them...
I spray-painted them with some paint we had leftover in the garage. |
I cut out cardboard to serve as a backing for my frames. |
I hammered nails in each side and strung a wire so I could hang it on the wall. |
For the first one I inserted black cardstock as a mat, and decided to use it to display postcards. I love receiving postcards from friends and family, but never have a place to showcase them. Now, with a little piece of tape rolled on the back, I can hang them in this frame by the door. Since there isn't glass in the frame I can easily swap them out as new postcards arrive! Yours can be displayed here too if you send one my way!
My new postcard frame! |
The second cabinet door I decided to use as a frame for these 'travel posters' I've been working on. Using
Picasa and
Picnik (both free Google programs) I cartoon-ized several pictures from traveling in Africa. Then I added a bold country title and a cheesy tourism slogan, and now I have my own travel posters! I printed 5x7s and cropped them to fill the 5x6 openings.
My own mini travel posters framed by the recycled cabinet doors. |
What do you think??
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