I love random moments of success. I'm once again in Luxembourg, this time for just over a month (with small trips to Germany every now and then, hence the awesome New Years video). This country is a place of many cultures and languages. There are the Luxembourgish people with their native language, Luxembourgish (yes, it's a real language), but there is also French, German, English and a whole slew of other languages mixed in, including a good bit of Portuguese. And then there is me, who only speaks English. Using German I can get around and make a fool of myself to communicate simple things, but the problem is, a good majority of people here only speak French. And the only language I feel sillier speaking than German is French.
This morning boyfriend decided to work from home, so I thought it would be fun to run and get us breakfast pastries at the shop across the street. And then boyfriend reminded me that they only speak French. Oh crêpe!
I had boyfriend briefly tell me how to say the name of the pastry he wanted and a few other quick words before I wandered down to the bakery. Luckily I already knew the name of my favorite: pain chocolat. Who can forget that? I was a little hesitant since I don't know any other French, but I had to at least try. There are certainly worse things in life than making a fool of yourself in a French bakery.
Two minutes later I was hopping up the stairs back into boyfriend's flat with the bag of pastries. It was a simple feat, but I couldn't have been happier about my French accomplishment.
I love my foreign adventures, even if they only take a couple minutes and even if I only used three words of French. The pain chocolat was even sweeter knowing I conquered the French bakery by myself!
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