Sunday, August 21, 2011

Hips Don't Lie

I've been pretty nostalgic lately thinking about my time in Ethiopia and hence a lot of late nights sorting through old photo files on my computer.  I came across this video where I was out in my town with high school students promoting an HIV testing event.  I was sitting on the side of the road that leads to the market with a big stereo system -- music was blaring -- and the students helped by talking about the testing event into the microphone every now and then.  It soon turned into madness due to the large number of people heading to the Saturday market coupled with the white girl sitting by the road.  And before long it was one big children's dance contest. I have several videos of that day, but here are two short favorites! Enjoy!

Here is a video of one of the students helping a child dance. It's not common for Ethiopians to dance with their hips (usually it's mainly shoulder dancing) so I thought it was particularly cute to watch.

This second video is more traditional Ethiopian dancing from my area of the country (Amhara). These small children can do things with their shoulders that I never thought possible. Two years later I still was never able to master the skizta.

The story about the HIV testing event is here if you want to read all about it.  It was my first big project in Ethiopia and something I am still very proud of, plus, it came with the added bonus of watching these cute kids dance for a simple lolly pop prize!

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