Anyone who knows me knows all about my lovely Ethiopian dog. I seriously talk about her like she is my child. But, having her with me through all those stressful times in Ethiopia meant the world to me, and having her now with me in America makes me happy every day! Exactly one year ago today I took a flight, with Arbay in the cozy cargo hold, in order to bring my precious pup all the way to America. It is hard to believe that it has been a whole year since she has been home. We've surely fattened her up a bit and she almost blends right in as if she's been here the whole time.
Yes, she is happily chewing on a chicken foot in this picture from Ethiopia. |
In America she still manages to get just as dirty! |
She's a rambunctious, hyper three-year old dog who used to live on the streets of Ethiopia. Yes, I let her adorable flea-ridden fur sleep in my bed.
Arbay prancing ahead of me on our last sunrise run together in Ethiopia. |
I'd say she's adapted. Could she possibly sit atop a larger pile of toys? |
She has been through a lot in the past three years. I took her from her home on a street in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia when she was approximately four months old. She wouldn't walk on a leash and she threw up on the bus ride back to my town, but she learned quickly how to act like a
ferengi (American) dog since I spoiled her like one! Her first friend was a baby cow; her second an equally-feisty Americanized Ethiopian dog. She's been kidnapped for ransom, had rocks thrown at her by children and old men alike, and still snuggles like a toddler. I adore this dog. Here's to her one-year anniversary of being an African American dog! More Arbay stories can be found
here or